Using Collections to sorting the specified list into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements
package collection.demos; import java.util. ArrayList ; import java.util. Collections ; public class SortingListDemo { public static void main ( String [] args ) { ArrayList < String > names = new ArrayList < String > () ; names. add ( "Joy" ) ; names. add ( "Bynod" ) ; names. add ( "Jaxon" ) ; names. add ( "Traimer" ) ; System .out. println ( "Before Sorting : " + names ) ; Collections . sort ( names ) ; System .out. println ( "After Sorting : " + names ) ; } } /* OUTPUT Before Sorting : [Joy, Bynod, Jaxon, Traimer] After Sorting : [Bynod, Jaxon, Joy, Traimer] */