Session | Cookie |
Data on server-side | data on client side |
unlimited side of data as per as server capability | limited support for data data handling |
It can store any type of data | only text |
age of data is not fixed . | fixed |
destroy after session timeout or logout | remains on client machine |
less data traveling over the network | All cookie need to travel each time client sends request to server. |
More secure mechanism to session tracking | less secure |
HSQLDB is a portable RDBMS implemented in pure java. It can be embedded with your application as well as can be used separately. It is very a small database that supports almost all features of the standard database system. It comes with small jar file that can be found in lib folder. The HSQLDB jar package is located in the /lib directory of the ZIP package and contains several components and programs. Core components of jar file are : HyperSQL RDBMS Engine (HSQLDB), HyperSQL JDBC Driver, Database Manager, and Sql Tool. Installing and Using Download: download latest release of HyperSQL database from website and extract it. You will see following contents. Here "bin" directory contains some batch files those can be used to run a swing based GUI tool. You can use runManagerSwing.bat to connect to database, but database must be on before running it. Directory lib contains File hsqldb.jar . It is the database to be used by you. Running database First ...
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